Author's Kit & Guidelines

If you are the author to submit your camera ready paper to the symposium, please check “Camera ready paper submission”. As for the presentation at the symposium, please check “Presentation guidelines”.

Author's kit & guidelines

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit full papers for review. Only original papers that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere will be considered. Accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database.

Technical papers must be submitted electronically via ISPACS2013 paper submission system.

Manuscript must be prepared in English with a maximum length of six (6) printed pages IEEE format (ten-point font) including figures. The symposium maintains the right to refrain from reviewing papers that are longer than 6 pages. For your submission you can use the standard IEEE conference templates for Microsoft Word or LaTeX formats which can be found at

The format for the manuscript must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Manuscript must be in English.
  2. The manuscript must follow IEEE two-column format with single-spaced, ten-point font in the text. The maximum manuscript length is six (6) pages. All figures, tables, references, etc. are included in the page limit.
  3. Papers must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF).
  4. Papers must be formatted for standard letter-size (8.5" x 11") paper.
  5. Authors must submit their papers electronically via paper submission system.

Camera ready paper submission

To include your paper in the ISPACS 2013 proceedings, the following three items are required. The deadline of all the items is Sep. 21, 2013.

Before your final submission, please check the information stored in the submission system carefully. This information will be used as-is for the symposium products such as the program, the proceedings, the abstract booklet, and so forth. Authors should make any required changes to the abstract, the author list (including author affiliations), and the title of the paper.

IEEE Xplore-compatible camera ready paper following the symposium guidelines

For creating IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF files, please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site. To create your account, please click the link “New Users - Click Here” and fill in your information. You will need the conference ID that is: ispacs2013x .

After your PDF file passes the PDF check, you can submit your paper at the paper submission system. The file returned by the IEEE PDF eXpress will be labeled “Certified by IEEE PDFeXpress” with an exact time stamp in its document properties such as creator or application. You must submit this certified file for the camera ready paper submission.

Electronic IEEE copyright form (eCF)

The IEEE copyright form must be submitted electronically. The form can be submitted via the link of “Submit IEEE Copyright Form” in the paper submission system.

Authors will be redirected to IEEE eCF site with paper information to submit copyright form. After filling out the IEEE copyright form on eCF site, authors need to download a copy of the form in PDF format and upload it into the paper submission system.


To make your make registration, please go to registration page. One full (non-student) registration can cover 2 papers at most. One student registration can cover 1 paper. Each paper needs at least one early registration; otherwise the paper cannot be included in the symposium proceedings.

Do not forget to enter your Paper ID in the registration form.

Presentation guidelines

Only the papers that will be presented at the symposium will be sent to the IEEE in order to be included in the IEEE Xplore database. Presenters are requested to sign the presentation report at the time of their presentation. The chair of each session will also check the presentation.

Each paper is allocated 20 minutes including time for questions from the audience. Authors should bring their own laptop PC for presentation. Data projector will be provided in each conference room. It is recommended to test the presentation materials in advance of the session to ensure compatibility. Each room will have a student volunteer that can help to provide technical support.

IEEE policies

As ISPACS2013 is technically co-sponsor by IEEE, IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the symposium (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the symposium.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and IEEE will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.